Monday, March 26, 2012


May God rest his soul, but Trayvons purpose was to change laws by being a martyr
For all of the other senseless murders and souls lost
I am reminded of my dear friend shot in the head in front of her 6 yr old daughter
An argument over ten dollars had a higher cost
And all of the other thousands that are never covered in the news
The lady I never knew but the gun shots and her screams still echo in my head
Hate and racism is bred, and society is our muse
It can happen to anyone, so please to allow that invincible attitude to have you mislead
It's hard to fear your daughters being raped and your sons being killed
Just by hanging with friends or going to the store
All we can do is pray over our kids and be confident in the lessons we instilled
As we send them out to learn the cruel lessons of this world as they explore
Tears drop and my heart breaks for every parent that has lost a child
For them my heart bleeds as I clutch my own
Words can't fully express all the feelings inside of emotions compiled
Just opening our front door is sending our kids out into the unknown


Brian Miller said...

what a hard lesson and a high price to be paid...

Reggie said...

Nice post JStar....very nice post.

AVY said...

Isn't the unknown all we really have?

/ Avy

Freckles said...


The Write Girl said...

I'ts such a tragic story JStar. Your words ring true here. I'm glad to hear from you and you are still blogging. I'll be sure to stop by and visit more often. God bless!!

Anne Frank said...

Very tragic Jstar...I think we have to use this reality to be aware of the real important things in life.
By the way, congratulations for your blog!