Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Tired of constantly stressing
So with my pen I am confessing
My sins and wrong turns
Praying for guidance to return
Allowing life to take my joy
Disconnection notices starting to annoy
Causing disruption within my spirit
Pain so overwhelming trying not to feel it
Knowing He IS going to work it out
In that having no doubt
Just tired of struggling
Daily juggling
Amongst this madness
I must push through this sadness
And give my stresses to Him
The only one I can always depend
To carry me through any storm
Putting my life in His hands to transform
Realizing stressing was useless
Making my efforts fruitless
Refocusing my direction
Accepting life’s imperfections


Brian Miller said...

the fact that it is heartfelt is what matters...good job writing..stay at it...and the praying of course...you will be alright...

Diva's Thoughts said...

Congrats to Tanaesha!!! That's awesome. College years are the best!

Dulçe ♥ said...

Oh J!
I really ned that stone to keep it on my sidetable...
College already Gosh!

Anonymous said...

i love the photo, and the fact that you and i can relate with your poems!

Noelle Dunn.... A Poet in Progress said...

Congratulations to your daughter!

Don said...

Congratulations, Tanaesha.

Hard work really does pay off, doesn't it?

Shay said...

Congratulations Tanaesha! That is sooo good!

Unknown said...

God is watching you and guiding you like he is guiding your pen. Keep your head high to the Lord and not down on the devil. He knows your heart and he will protect you. Great poem JStar!


Blahz said...

good to see you back at it

Just telling it like it is said...

Now you pass on to her the gift of college....I'm so happy for you...Hang in there suga...Use your pain to create and move thought it...I'm just an e-maill away if you need some support!