Monday, August 9, 2010

My Choice

Good Morning All!  My mind is quite scattered so I am suprised I was able to write this in 5 mins...I wanted to write something but had planned on some ramblings today...This poem reflects where my mind is at right now.  I am quite focused on what has to be done...

My Choice

Mind scattered
Disregarding things that once mattered
Finding new direction
Not allowing my mind to be mislead by affection
Choosing my destiny
Maintaining my sanity
Not allowing life to affect my mood
Feelings no longer seclude
Depression no longer has control
Taking back what life has stole
Regaining my own voice
Happiness is my choice


Dulçe ♥ said...

Congrats on that.
This is full of joy, hope and great self esteem. Happy for you!Enjoy it to the fullest!


Brian Miller said...

nice. good job taking hte reigns back and for finding that voice...nice write jstar!

25champ said...

Happiness is a choice and the only one who has control is u :) I'm glad ur taking back control. Great Post!

The Write Girl said...

Hi JStar,

I agree with your sentiments. We have to chose to be happy. Powerful words and expression here.

Thevisionarybutterfly said...

Good for you honey. Happiness is a choice-a hard one at that, sometimes :D

The Write Girl said...

I really like this poem. It is quite victorious and strong. Thanks for the inspiring words here JStar.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

uplifting piece.
Glad to read you today!

Jingle said...

Finding new direction
Not allowing my mind to be mislead by affection
Choosing my destiny
Maintaining my sanity
Not allowing life to affect my mood
Feelings no longer seclude
Depression no longer has control
Taking back what life has stole

love all of your lines,
they are divine!

Tina said...

I really like this poem. I struggle with chronic pain/depression so I can relate so well. Good for you taking control and having this great attitude!

Paul C said...

Not allowing life to affect my mood...I like it.