Thursday, November 3, 2011


Well I am going to try to read two of my pieces tonight. Trying so hard to get over my stage frieght. I am going to read "Whisper" and "Real" that have been recently posted. Please pray that I can get through this..this time


25champ said...

will do ...good luck :)

Brian Miller said...

rock the house tonight jstar!

performing next friday in richmond again!

Noelle Dunn.... A Poet in Progress said...

You can do it!!

jae october said...

You can do it J!

Alicia said...

How did it go? So cool that you're reading your poems now : )

I hope you've been well...
Want to let you know that Beauty and a Budget has moved to
I loved getting to know you and hope you'll visit and follow my new blog.


Val said...

How did it go? I hope you have video I'd love to see your read your poetry.

Don said...

Why are you afraid of performing something you passionately love on a stage?

What's the difference?

E's said...

You performing now?! Proud of you!