Thursday, August 26, 2010


Claude Monet-Waterlillies


Everytime you walk into a room, I feel you
I feel the strength of our hearts pursuit

When I close my eyes, you are on my mind
Feelings take over, chills run up and down my spine

Yearning to feel you deep inside
Wanting to feel our passions fully collide

Craving to feel your kisses caressing me
From head to toe, setting me free

The depths of these feelings my hearts confessed
Thoughts of you leave me completely breathless



Opaque said...

I can feel every word here...

steveroni said...

These words I can somehow remember also...

Once, a fellow musician during Sunday mass spied her husband come in a side door way in the back LATE.

She whispered to me, "Every time I see him enter a room, it makes my toes tingle."


Susan Roux said...

Isn't Monet just the best! Love this painting too...

Jingle said...

what a cute and loving piece..
u r doing so very well!
loved reading you.

Diva's Thoughts said...


Brian Miller said...

i thing the monet is beautiful and compares nicely with your words...smiles. i bet he loves it...

Jingle said...

Help visit 5 to 10 poets from the list to wish them Happy (Belated) Birthday,

take the butterfly award,
share with 1 to 10 friends...

25champ said...

Ur Love expressions always feel like sunshine. Good Read!

Anonymous said...

How sweet! Eugene's a lucky guy.

Dulçe ♥ said...

I love it... I love all your love poems..

deeps said...

lines brimming with love

Just telling it like it is said...

Oh I feel for you...I haven't slept in days..insomnia..always has been my nemisis

Anonymous said...

I have awards for you. Pass them on to 1 to 10 people after you accept!

Anonymous said...

breathless is right....