Thursday, May 20, 2010

Award-Thanks Jingle and Lord Emmanuel...Passing to Dulce

I recieved this amazing award from Jingle and Lord Emmanuel.  I am humbly honored!!!!  Almost speechless!!  I write, like no one will ever read....I write from places I didnt know existed....I sit down to write with an idea in mind, but my words start flowing and always takes me in a totally different direction...

Please visit Jingle and Lord Emmanuel, for their writing is simply AMAZING!  Their words touch me, in ways they will never know....So positive and uplifting

I am passing this award onto Dulce at Sweeter Poetry.  Her words, touch my soul, my inner being, bring me joy, allow me to feel her sadness...Words cant express the feeling that reading her words gives me.  She is very consistant with fresh poetry.  Please stop by and follow her poetry, if you have not yet been introduced...Dulce, you were the first that came to mind...I truly enjoy your work and am so grateful that you share...

I decided this poem I wrote last month....It describes my writing....From the depths of my heart....

Sugar Coated

Thoughts continously flowing
In my head
Pouring out of my soul
Like sweet sugar
Coating my words
Sprinkling your heart
With purple rain drops
Comforting your spirit
Calming you doubts
Dismantling your fears
Your mind drifitng
Into my world
Heeding my lessons
Feeling my passion
The heat rising
From my veins
The steadiness
Of my heart beat
Compassion for pains
My journey
To inner happiness
Presenting my life
Through my words
Sugar coated


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

what a cute post,
thank you for passing it.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

lovely poem!

wordwand said...

well done j star.a lovely blog .

25champ said...

Yep its what we do. The power of words is so amazing they could be used for hate, but theirs nothing better than the expressions of Love. Sugar coated I love it.

Thevisionarybutterfly said...

Hey JStar congrats on the award-you so deserve and Sugar Coated is brilliant ;)

The Write Girl said...

Congratulations on your award JStar. You are certainly well deserving and another lovely poem here.

Don said...

You are deserving. You have a profound love for poetry, as there being absolutely nothing wrong with sweet and sugar coated sentiments.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

week 19 the perfect poet award.
enjoy a beautiful weekend.

you already accepted it,
I will place sweet poetry on the winner list next week.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your Award. You are an amazing writer and this poem was lovely, as usual!:)
Congrats to Dulce.


Sheri said...

jennifer, your poem was simply beautiful! i am amazed at how perfectly smooth the words have flowed from your heart onto the page, or so it would seem that it was easy!! i loved when you said that you 'write like no one will ever read'...that line touches my heart, made me realize why i love your work!
have a great weekend, my friend :)

1ManView said...

Congrats on the award, and the poem is beautiful...

Just telling it like it is said...

Congrads beautiful!!!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

poetry awards,
check out the details yourself.
Happy Sunday!

Dulçe ♥ said...

My dearest J Star,
First, congrats on the so well deserved award. You've chosen one of my faves.Those sugar cubes remind me of sweet very sweet words...
Second I am wordless. It's such an honor you have thought of me first and that you describe my words so exquisitely. I am happy we have this beautiful conection and I'll never know how to thank you enough for this.
I have no idea how to 'play this award game? so i'd better go to Ji's and see.
Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart.
And sorry I've come to visit so late! been busy and I almost missed this!

hugs and smiles


steveroni said...

WOW! Thank you, are some good friend!

anthonynorth said...

You've captured the essence of writing there. Nicely done.
You'll find mine here.

Anonymous said...

But someone is always reading... :-) I like the flow of this-- nicely done! Rally on!

TimKeeton said...

Very nice.

Thanks for sharing. I hope you will visit my sites:

Tim Keeton - A Writer's Tale


The Undead Poets Society

Rhyme on!

Tim Keeton
(Undead)Poet / Wizard / Teller-of-tales
A Week 19 Perfect Poet Award Winner

joanna said...


A sweetly written sugar coated -- well thought out and plainly stated and ever so beautifully told. order too a fine piece written.

first time here - came by from jingles Thursday...
