Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I thought I was dreaming when you spoke those words
Although our future goals are in accords

I am truly terrified to give my heart
This time I want to take my time and be smart

I want a true love that will stand the test of time
A love that’s real and sublime

I want to rest my fears upon your shoulders
With the key to my heart as you are the beholder

Hopefully a love like no other can grow
If I don’t give it a chance, how will I ever know

I have been waiting my lifetime for those words to be spoken
I just don’t want my heart to again be broken

I want to take things nice and slow
To allow your sincerity to clearly show

I hope that you are one I can truly confide
Just love me truthfully and help me get over being completely terrified

© copyright Tue Oct 20 7:10:00 UTC 2009 - All Rights Reserved


Miss.Stefanie said...

Sometimes you have to unlock your heart or else youll miss out on life. Love is an AMAZING THING!!

Liam said...

Just stopped by to get my song of the day.

JStar said...

Thanks Miss Stefanie! I know, I dont want to miss out on love being scared...but I dont want to jump in head first only to set my heart up to be hurt again...So I am taking baby steps :)

Thanks for stopping in Liam!! My play list is at the bottom of my page, so you can listen to whatever song you want to :)