Thursday, September 30, 2010


Random picture taken from a google search


Tear drops staining my cheeks
Just hearing the words as he speaks

He is giving up and cant take no more
My issues he can no longer ignore

I know I am not easy to love
My insecurities stood way above

I constantly pushed him away
Not sure if he was to betray

I just couldnt let him in
I didnt even allow us to begin

The truth was that he already had my heart
From the very start

I didnt want him to take advantage
I dont know how I am going to manage

No desire to move on
Feeling neglected and withdrawn

I love him more than I could show
Now he will never know

Freeing myself of this inner pain
My soul is cleansing with each drop of rain



Opaque said...

Communication is the problem here...

Brian Miller said...

be honest with is may hurt but it will give him a clean break...

been raining here as well...suppoed to get 5 inches of rain this morning...minor flooding...been like this all week...ready for the sky to close.

Don said...

Sounds like quite a love. The kind of love that should never end, if you ask me.

I subscribe to the philosophy that the truth is always the best thing (Eugene). As a man, I can accept the truth much better than all else.

Even during the times where I might have allowed myself to become blinded.

Dulçe ♥ said...

Adorble pic and words... cleansing the soul oh those drops...☺

Anonymous said...

i agree with Dulce. rain is very powerful!

Miss.Stefanie said...

communicate J!

tha unpretentious narcissist© said...

rain can only blind you when you're walking with your eyes closed. open them and focus on the now. focus on the important things. and let go of the insecurities, barriers, and doubts. never leave things unspoken.

really liked this.