Tuesday, October 12, 2010



Heart pounding rapidly
Stomach tossing and turning
Body heat rising
A lump forming in my throat
Words escape my mind
Stuck on the edge of my tongue
Not able to release
By simply speaking
Revealing inner meaning
Confessing true love
For now these words remain confined
Until the time is right
Or maybe never to be spoken


Susan Roux said...

Love will come. Usually when we aren't looking for it...

How frustrating is that? I remember hating to hear this phrase, but unfortunately it proved to be true.

Brian Miller said...

give it time...

Don said...

Is it just how you are feeling at the moment and just needed to release energy in the form of prose? Or, have you truly decided that no heart has proven itself to be worthy?

Miss.Stefanie said...

"I have all this love inside that is ready to come out, seeping out of my pores. "

I know the exact feeling...

Dulçe ♥ said...

WOW My dear lady, this is maybe the best (if that is possible) I've read from you , you are getting better and better and I love your choice of pics too.
And oh I relate SO MUCh to these words...

Sorry I haven't been around lately... busy busy

Smiles and hugs!

Beauty in Rare Form said...

It's been more than a minute, girl. I love this. Confine it until the RIGHT one. Not the right one...in disguise, but the right one. I admire the way you can open your heart so wide because it is not something we are all gifted with. Beautiful poem.

Love the new look! Don't know how new it is since I haven't been over in a while, but it's really pretty. I love Lavender!

Anonymous said...

i feel you on this one!

Anonymous said...

great post thanks

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