Tuesday, November 3, 2009


When you are not around,
I am thinking of you constantly
Craving to love you endlessly,
Teasingly and tauntingly

Missing the warmth of your arms
That so lovingly surrounds
With you, my heart is bound
Always wanting your love around…

© copyright Tue Aug 04 17:55:19 UTC 2009 - All Rights Reserved


Anonymous said...

this is a great poem. I like the wording in it. very sweet.

JStar said...

Thanks Elizabeth!

Liam said...

Regarding the music thingy sometimes re installing it works.

JStar said...

Thanks Liam, but that hasnt worked. I deleted my whole player and created a new one. But the songs they have avail, half of the doesnt work. Now even the ones I had before are not working. And when I first put it on it gave me an option to start automatically but I dont see it now. So thats still under construction. Just been quite busy and havent had time to play around with it....But thanks for still visiting :)