Honest Scrap Award (Ok, I dont quite know how to make the picture visible, so here is the link)
I've received the Honest Scrap Award twice on November 6, 2009, from 2 very talented Bloggers!
http://mydownlowlife.blogspot.com/ (Check her recently published book, you will be addicted!!!)
Check their blogs out, very intense writing!
Thank you! Its an honor!
Ok 10 things about me:
1. My favorite color is purple.
2. I am still scared of the dark :)
3. I have always been scared to share my poetry and writings because I never thought I was any good. Also, because its my heart and experiences on paper. My brother stole my diary when I was a young teenager and showed my mom. I got in trouble and didnt write anything for 12 years. Then I started writing again and not sharing. I just started sharing when I started this blog, because its easy to share behind a computer and get feed back from people you will never see. And I have yet to edit anything that I have written because it was emotional enough to write. So, exuse anything that doesnt flow right or mis spellings.
4. My daughters are my inspiration and keep me pushing forward.
5. I have been married and divorced twice. My daughters have the same father, my first husband for 9 years. Then married again from a 6 year in total relationship.
6. I have always been a quiet person about my feelings but very social. I am the type of person that gets along with everyone but still keeps that wall up, not to make anyone even notice.
7. I am a sagittarius, My birthday is December 7th. I have always said that is why I am such an emotional person, because I was born on such a tragic day. I feel being emotional makes me a better writer, so I guess it all works out in my favor. Like my purpose in life is to share a message of comfort to others by sharing my experiences.
8. I am addicted to CSI and Law and Order.
9. I really have a boring life. I go to work and come home. I would much rather be at home comfortable and relaxed then to go out.
10. I am a small person :) I am 102 lbs, and 5'3.
Ok, enough about me.
I am going to now award the Honest Scrap Award to the following talented writers:
1. http://bornunknown.blogspot.com/
2. http://www.thedivasthoughts.com/
3. http://manwithapast1.blogspot.com/
4. http://dee-livinginsingleville.blogspot.com/
5. http://visionarybutterfly.blogspot.com/
6. http://depthpoet.blogspot.com/
7. http://writeinmotion.blogspot.com/
There were a few more that I could have also added...Check out their blogs, and see what they are talking about just as I do!!!
You are a sweetie! Thanks for my first award: The Honest Scrap Award. I'm eternally grateful - no sarcasm - LOL.
Thanks for the award JStar...I like the thoughts about you and your life : )
Much CONGRATS to you E and The Write Girl! Well deserved!! Now let's hear a lil bit about your lives :)
Thanks so much!!!! Wow!!!
You are very welcome Tee :) I love your advice colum :)
Thank you for this award, JStar. I appreciate the acknowledgement. I agree, you are well desrving of a blog award. The manner in which you pour out your spirit is admirable.
I too am afraid of the dark. LOL. And I've always been afraid to share my poetry w/ anyone besides the woman I'd written about.
Keep doing your thang.
And you are just as deserving Don :) LOL ok I dont feel so bad, I thought I was the only adult scared of the dark lol...and you of all people should NOT be scared to share your poetry, its beautiful...You are real with your words...
Wow thank you so much JStar! Means much to me.
You are welcome Ms Butterfly :) You deserve it :)
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