Monday, October 5, 2009


Emotions felt deep enough to bruise
Mind erratic and confused

Knowing what I want and need
But allowing my heart to continuously bleed

Tears of blood fall from my eyes
Actions are not too far from my demise

Inside I am grieving
Suicidal thoughts conceiving

Fighting that inner struggle
Seeing reality is a constant juggle

Images flashing
Self torture rehashing

Attempting to stay above
And erase these thoughts of

Hurt and pain
Allowing inner happiness to reclaim

Finding that strength to compete
And stop focusing on deceit

© copyright Tue Oct 5 10:03:00 UTC 2009 - All Rights Reserved


Thevisionarybutterfly said...

I love your poetry; it's raw and real! I can relate to this one ;)

JStar said...

Thanks :) Yea, a friend recently said that she couldnt believe I would share it all. But it helps me to write it, so I hope it helps other to read. Everyone goes through things in life...and this is my expression...

Thanks a lot, that really means a lot to me...

Liam said...

very sad, very powerful.

1ManView said...

Heartfelt write JStar, I can relate...

JStar said...

THANKS Liam & 1manview!

That means a lot and inspires me to write more...

Damaris Herron-Watkins said...

I'm feeling this. I love your poetry.

JStar said...

Aww thanks Lady Dee...All the good comments have really been encouraging me to write more and grow as a writer...So, now I am attempting to expand in areas that have been untouched for me :) This is the first that I have shared...I always wrote from the heart releasing emotions, never considered it any good. :)

Unbreakable said...

This is a bitter sweet! great writing

JStar said...

Thanks alot Unbreakable!!