Wednesday, September 19, 2012

One day at a time…

Pain churning in the pit of my stomach
Feeling your uncried tears brush my lips
Wanting take your disappointments away
But you put a distance in between
I feel like one step back has been taken
But yet I still feel you holding on in the distance
Unsure and now questioning
Pushing away dealing alone
Wanting to reassure
But standing back
Trying not to overwhelm
But I refuse to let you give up just yet
I will give you a short space to breathe
All the while letting you know that I am still here
My feelings are real and true
I see potential in us
Foreseen my future in your eyes
Felt that connection
The first time you parted your lips
But I will take things at your speed
Never giving up
Never letting you go
Instead I comfort smoothly
Proving the sincerity residing inside
Not wanting to rush a thing
Showing restraint in my pursuit
Taking it moment by moment and one day at a time


1 comment:

Reggie said...

You've got the gift. You certainly know how to turn a phrase JStar.