Monday, December 7, 2009


His touch awakens, as a breath of fresh air
His kiss evokes feelings deep
Way beyond a casual affair
With my heart at ease, comes peaceful sleep
His heart soothes inner fears
His eyes confirm sincerity
Wiping away stains left from trails of tears
Walls tumbling, leaving room for prosperity
His personality completely comforts, emotions ignite
His hands guide in new undiscovered directions
Withstanding disagreements, previews a different light
Willingly demonstrates truth behind affections
His voice fills my ears, profoundly outspoken
Words don’t give justice to an unwritten lyric
With him, love prevails the unspoken
His love fully awakens my spirit


Gregorio Martino said...

Oh I like that one. Happy Birthday J. I hope you have a great one.

E's said...

Happy Birthday Young Lady!!

And WOW on that poem! Is that new? That's a strong one! Great writing JStar...enjoy your day. (I get along well with most Sags - no wonder I dig you:)

JStar said...

Thanks Gregorio, I plan to :)

Thanks E, yea I wrote this on saturday...Thats what love will do to you :)

Liam said...

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birrrrrrrrthday dear Jstar

Happy birthday to you.

JStar said...

AWWWWW Thats so sweet Liam :) Thank you very much!! I am feeling sooo loved today :)

Don said...

Ahh @ his love fully awakens my spirit. Someone is definitely in

His heart soothes inner fears
His eyes confirm sincerity
Wiping away stains left from trails of tears
Walls tumbling, leaving room for prosperity

Feelin' it.

JStar said...

:) Oh yes Don, that I am...Now I just cant wait until he gets back here so this love can fully grow into its potentional :)