Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Fresh hair cut and color; make up looking fierce
Eyes deep enough to pierce

My fresh black pumps with the newly manicured toes out
Looks are deceiving; inside I am overcoming self doubt

Tight, sexy dark blue jeans with the red low cut top
Making all the on-looking men’s jaw drop

Cute baby face on the outside
But who wants to really know the complete inside

Short in height and small in frame
Does anyone care what’s really in my brain

Focused and professional, but always real
When will someone truly care how I really feel

Smiling face in front of the others
Can we truly trust one another

Not impressed unless they can really connect mentally
And not only for satisfaction that only last’s momentarily

The eyes are the key to ones soul
Look deep inside that person and see their true role

Everyone in life is not for keeps
Every night I singly sleep

Choosing not to settle for less than I deserve
My full heart I have chosen to reserve

It’s not in my physical description, but what’s in my heart
My inner beauty is my true work of art

© copyright Tue Aug 04 17:55:19 UTC 2009 - All Rights Reserved


G-Man said...


Happy belated birthday....

I think you should try a Friday Flash 55. You can definately knock one out great!

G-Man said...

BTW....I LOVE being FIRST!!!!


JStar said...

:) Thanks G man...Yea, I want to do a Friday Flash 55...I havent had a chance to write much lately...I will put in some work really soon...Next work week should be slow enough to play around with words :)

Gregorio Martino said...

I liked it too. I think the men were looking and desiring you and you could feel it.

JStar said...

Yea Gregorio, I feel it everyday...But thats my problem, they are so busy looking at my physical that they forget or dont even care what in my head and my heart...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing about inner beauty and overcoming self doubt. We all need to hear about that at times.


25champ said...

Men look at your physical because that's what the see first, but If you say some of the things that you put to paper you will be suprised at how many people would c beyond that. Ur words add alot to your sex appeal.

JStar said...

Yes Secretia, we women deal with that mainly on the inside...I had to put it out there because this is things we go through and think about...Whats good looks if no one wants to see the inside...

JStar said...

Thanks 25champ...I do but men and others see it as a weakness and try to take advantage...Or some dont even pay attention...

25champ said...

That's because they aren't real men. Real men want to here what you have to say because they adore you. Those kind of men still exist. Eye candy only last but so long. We say "okay she's pretty then what".

JStar said...

Your so right there....My problem is I am meeting all the real men wanna be's...But thankfully I have had 3 good men to chose from this time around :) And as you already know...I made my choice :)

Don said...

...i had to read this twice! love this. it's not every day in this quick-fast-in a hurry society where a woman has the ability to understand what is really real.

i think this poem touches upon that aspect which escapes so many woman and men.

i feel blessed to have found your site. you have some good stuff.

JStar said...

Aww thats such a compliment coming from such a great writer!!! :) I am honored and also glad that you found my site.

You are so right with that...I am ALL real and people dont know how to take me at times...But I see no reason to fake...When I want to know someone, I want to know everything about them, inside and out...Just hard to find someone else that wants to know the same...

G-Man said...

Write a story with a plot and a central Character. In exactly 55 words.
Then post it on your blog, then come tell me in my comment box.
Go to my last fridays post and read mine and a few others...
You can do this....G

Dulçe ♥ said...

It's amazing you write about this... My new poem (still in my head)was about exactly the same thing!!!

Oh easily we forget about inner beayty... Beautiful post JStar! (BTW!)

JStar said...

I will work that one out GMan :)

Thanks so much Dulce :) Yea, we do forget that and men forget it when approaching us...Its not always about whats on the outside, but whats on the inside is most important.

Robyn Latice said...

Amen! Love this!!!!

JStar said...

:) Thanks Robyn